Sure… #CrushIt. Then get some rest.

Daily workouts?

Paleo, bulletproof, gluten-free, cold showers?

Build a business, start a side hustle, dominate Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook?

Make my family a priority?

Serve in my community?

I know I’m not alone.

Every time you turn around, somebody is crushing something. Gary Vaynerchuk became the Godfather of this Age. He wrote a book on it, in fact. According to him, people “need to work harder. And faster. There’s really nothing else to it. I’m exhausted every day, but I’m making all sorts of things happen in my 18 hours.”

And he added, “And I’m prioritising what’s important and what’s not.”

So, there we have it. We can add “exhausted” to words like “cynical” and “busy” that we wear as badges of honour.

I’d like to grant myself—and everyone else—permission to declare the Crush It Age finished.

So, what comes next?

The Age of Work Hard, Rest Hard.

In this Age, we’re still hustling. But we’re also resting. In fact, we’re trying to be as good at resting as we are at crushing things.

We’re becoming pros at turning off social media, getting great sleep, working less, and living more.

We’re making being rested cool. So that when people ask how you’re doing, you can say, “Sit down. Let’s talk about it for a minute, because I have time for you, my friend.” At a minimum, you should be able to answer, “Rested, and how are you?”

I know this sounds like crazy talk, but we can do it. Let’s make it a priority to be human again—to work hard and rest hard without buying into the idea that we’ll fail at life if we rest.

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